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This Simple Stretch May Be the Quickest Cure For Plantar Fasciitis

While there is no such thing as an immediate cure for plantar fasciitis, the most common type of heel pain, this simple stretch is perhaps the closest thing to it.

Watch as Dr. Berg explains why most conventional stretches for plantar fasciitis takes too long and is not as effective as this one, then goes on to demonstrate the correct stretch. If you cannot watch the video now, then read our written instructions and notes below.

10 Most Effective Treatments For Heel Pain


  1. Firstly, rate your pain level from 1 to 10 (the higher the number, the most severe the pain) before actually doing this exercise. You’ll rate it again after performing the exercise.
  2. Sit with your foot rested on your knee
  3. Slowly stretch the toes downwards then release. This stretches the top of the foot and the muscles around the shin rather than the calf muscles.
  4. Repeat this stretch for 10 to 20 times on each foot.

Plantar Fasciitis Stretch Exercise

Alternative Method

If the above method proves to be difficult for you, then another way of performing the same stretch is:

  1. Kneel down on your bed or sofa with both knees together
  2. Press your bottom down onto the heels of your feet. You can also rest a pillow between your bottom and the back of your legs if it’s more comfortable for you.

Plantar Fasciitis Stretch Exercise

Final Notes

  • Berg mentions that the worse thing you can do is to stretch/pull or massage the plantar fasciia as it only makes it worse by tearing the tendons and ligaments.
  • While he does say that stretching or pulling the plantar fasciia is not good, there have been many cases where the wall stretch and towel stretch have helped relieve pain from mild plantar fasciitis.
  • This stretch is also effective for reducing the symptoms of flat feet and fallen arches, or any other condition that causes pain at the bottom of your foot.
  • Berg also states that performing this stretch once a day for a week, the pain at the bottom of your foot may never come back unless you have some systemic problem such as arthritis or gout.

There are no quick fixes or cures for plantar fasciitis, and while this stretch has proven to work for many, how effective it is and how long it takes to take effect will differ from person to person.

If you suffer from plantar fasciitis, then we also recommend you to take a look at our most popular treatments for plantar fasciitis and other types of heel pain.

Plantar Fasciitis Treatments
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John Taylor - November 1, 2024

The stretching exercises have been of real benefit, I continue to use them as recommended with my pain threshold down to 2/3. I can now do my normal activities with little discomfort. Thank you.

Kristina Huneault - September 6, 2024

This simple stretch has transformed my life. If only any of the health professionals I consulted had known to do this, the last 18 months would have been so much better. Thank you so much. The relief truly was instantaneous. After a week I was able to run again. After only 2 weeks I feel almost completely better.

Donna - July 11, 2024

I am going to try this. I have been doing what every other pt and podiatrist has said for months and I am worse. This is the only video that shows the exact opposite of stretching for planter fasciitis.

Freda - June 19, 2024

Thank You Dr. Berg .
This worked almost instantly for me after I found this (or similar?) video some years back. Now, it very rarely comes back, only if I accidently stand on tippytoes too long.

Jeanne - June 13, 2024

I will try this. Been going for physical therapy and trying everything they taught me and it’s been almost a year and still having issues with it. Thanks.

christopher - May 15, 2024

Will definitely gives this a try , thanks

Anne Gray - May 15, 2024

Opposite of what I’m told to do. Which hasn’t worked. Will give this a go. Thankyou

Heather - February 15, 2024

I would have preferred if you had worn different colored socks so we could see what you are actually doing. Black socks and black pants isn’t great for showing this exercise. Thanks

Mary Schmidt - February 15, 2024

Trying this method however I have a 2nd problem and don’t know the medical terminology. I believe it is damage to tendon on outside of left ankle

Dave Fairbrother - February 15, 2024

I will try these stretches many times per day wouod you recommend ..
Also do you recommend plantire insoles when walking .??

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